Blake Barker
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Brigham Young University
Professional Service
Scholarly Work
Published Journal Papers:
Transverse bifurcation of viscous slow MHD shocks,
submitted, arXiv: arXiv:1901.09153, 2019 (with Rafael Monteiro and Kevin Zumbrun).
B. Barker, J. Humpherys, J. Lytle, and K. Zumbrun, STABLAB: A MATLAB-based numerical library for Evans function computation, Available at:
- Doctoral Dissertation: "Numerical proof of stability of roll waves in the small-amplitude limit for inclined thin film flow," Indiana University, 2014.
- Masters Thesis: Barker, Blake H., "Evans Function Computation" (2009). All Theses and Dissertations. Paper 1796.
Student Publications